As parents, you must know how crucial it is for helping your kids well, so that they face no problems in school. Certain practices will enhance good results and to make life easier for children. There’s so much work and little time left and if you happen to be a new mother then you have to give your full dedication towards your kids. It is hard to be a parent and even harder to know everything about parenting. It’s tough juggling through your personal and professional life. So how would you organize your time schedule?
Knowing the beautiful minds
Understanding the psychology behind your little one’s mind is crucial. All the parents want their child to start off on the right foot and feel excited. But every kid is hesitant about going someplace new, their first day at school, meeting new people or interacting with them. A parent should start out with some basic tips before sending their child to kindergarten or school. It is important to know about your child’s mental health, as no one would know your kid better than you do. It is a parent’s responsibility to provide with the information of your children to their teacher. Try to analyze what inspires your kid, the likes and dislikes, any special skill, as well as strong points and weak points.
Do not lose your sleep over worrying too much that your kid is not “ready” yet. Kindergarten is a place where everything is supposed to be equalized. The kids will become more comfortable by gradually separating from their parents. It will help them learn and grow with all the kids’ altogether. Trained teachers are there in school and they will work on forming relationships, sharing, caring, as well as getting along with others. They would probably learn how to speak English and at the end of the day, your kid might even surprise you! It is amazing how they learn so efficiently within a year. Most importantly, the kids will be forced to seek their own independence.
Here are ten tips for all parents:
- Make a good breakfast habit:
Mornings are the best time and the kids should have a hearty breakfast in order to have full energy and keep them going throughout the whole day. Provide with all the necessary vitamins and a nutritional boost in their diet. A healthy food habit will make them focus on studies, as well as pay attention to the activities they do.
- Check their home task daily:
Instead of scolding your kids of not doing their homework, a parent should check their homework and make them do it. It is important to remember that although they are naughty and playful, they have innocent minds. So you must not shout at them but handle them with care. Make them understand with your love that playing games are important, so as their studies. Keep the internet ready, you never know how it comes handy at what time.
- Praise their efforts:
Some parents want their children to be good at everything, but they forget that they are just seeds. It might take some time for them to bloom into beautiful plants. Do not compare your child as a “so-so student” to that of “model student”; it will only discourage their spirits. Always praise their effort for doing any tasks. It is not a necessity that they must get high grades, rather it is about knowledge. Promise them with rewards if they do their work in time. Gift some lozenges and chocolates sometimes, even if they lose or feel down. This will cheer up the mood to do better next time.
- Take some time out during their studies:
Since you are a parent, it is inevitable to be present during their study time. Try to know what your child is asking for and help them to understand their subjects. Instead of sending them off to their room, take some time out from your daily work and are ready to help them. Visit your child’s new classroom and meet the teachers before the school starts. Let them that it is ok to be nervous, every kid are and tell them to talk with new friends.
- Create a fun learning way:
Who says studies are boring! Try to sing or play a memory game to help them memorize things. Leave them notes in the lunchbox and this will help them remind that you are thinking about them. Always make sure to check with the teacher’s assignments. Watch a good movie, or documentary together or you could make a model on their respective subjects. Play some indoor or outdoor games with your child after studies.
- Keep track of their activities:
Make it a house rule to turn off the television, radio, audio devices, or any kind of distraction that could occur during their study time. It should be your responsibility to know what it is going on in their minds and ask them how the day went. If needed, ask their teacher about the performances. Set a family time which should be maintained quietly, just for you and your child, so that the work could be done together, such as reading, playing games, or writing.
- Do not let your personal issues flow:
It is possible that some parents might have a negative experience. Situations like divorce, a new baby, or some disease could affect their mental health. It is better to inform the school teacher of such circumstances. Try not to let your emotions downgrade your kid’s enthusiasm. Always encourage them to do things in a right manner. Show your kids that you care by participating in their activities and continue your own learning. Do not yell or swear at them, some parents term their child as an “idiot” or “donkey”, but they don’t realize their kid’s weaker points. This will only worsen the situation and make them an angry child.
- Check with their backpack:
It is important to stay organized. Make a chart at home regarding their daily routine and help them organize their textbooks and copies. Go through notes from teachers and dump any old notes into a binder. Save any tests or papers into a folder that has become old, for future use. Regularity should be maintained, as it is the key to academic success, so try not to encourage them to skip important classes even if you don’t feel necessary to send them to school.
- Help them prepare for test:
Make a daily study time beforehand so as to help them prepare for their tests or quiz. Check with their textbooks, sample notes and assignments to make a questionnaire. Be patient even if your child answers incorrectly, rather ask them why did they answer that and justify it by explaining the correct answer. Some kids get things in their head slowly. Figure out the learning style of your child. Show them objects, in order to ask them about it, make them listen to audio clips for better speaking power and make them write daily so that they could write efficiently during a text.
- Try not to be too anxious:
Trust your children to be fine by themselves. If you become stressed, it will affect your child too. If you feel tensed that they do not know everything and that they should know everything, just relax. Let things take their own course. Even if your child knows all the alphabets, colors and numbers by heart, but do they know how to open that ketchup bottle? Set some guidelines for your child so that it helps maintain the tasks and after setting the rules, make sure to set a good example of what has been preached. Listen to what your child has to say. Reassure them that you are going to be there for them if any trouble kicks in school. Talk it out and try to know if your child is being bullied by someone.
Will your child be able care about themselves?
Also, it is a great idea to let your kids dress up by themselves; it is not only fun, but they will learn about colors, shapes and patterns in a dress. Some outfits are not that simple to wear and the shoes might fit on the wrong feet, rather a parent should support their kid to be independent. Not every kid knows how to tie their own shoes, but you should let them try and later show how it is done correctly.
What if your kids go to the washroom, do they know how to button up the zip again? Parents encourage their child to manage such things solo. There are many kids just like your child and a teacher would always be there to help them. Try to let them manage their own clothes in a drawer or wall cupboard; this would help dump the power struggles over time that parents face each morning.