Homework and studying at home are an integral part of development in the methodological system in which a child should learn, understand and apply the knowledge gained in this whole process for his development as well as the world in general. All these may sound very philosophical and from a very high level of thought process that may be found in books but trust me, and you know it, when it comes to making your sit to study for even half an hour or two, all logic and sense gets a kick out of the door. Children are very difficult to handle and when it comes to things like making them eat and especially making them sit to study, difficulties take a leap to a whole new level altogether.
Factors to Be Concerned Of:
Various reasons pave the way for difficulties to arise because of which your child may want to refrain and resist from taking studies at home seriously and neglect home work. Experts have identified some of these traits:
- Unfriendly Behaviour:
One plausible explanation for a child to not wanting to do homework may be that the teacher at school behaves in an unfriendly manner. A child understands a person by what they are outwardly. Therefore it is very essential for the teacher to behave softly with children while asking them to get anything done. Any rude behaviour creates a terror factor working in their minds which prevents them for working on tasks assigned by these teachers.
- Expectation of Appreciation:
A child always expects a reward or a gift or some sort of a token of appreciation for whatever they do. These small things motivate them to a huge extent and can well affect how they respond to the work, doing which they get rewarded and appreciated. The same philosophy is applicable when it comes to completing home tasks. If the child feels that whatever he is doing is going to go unnoticed and unappreciated then it is very likely that he will refrain and resist from attempting to complete the home tasks.
- When Things Become Uninteresting:
Matter of interest is another important factor. The child needs to get interested in the subjects so as to study them and do home tasks. Yes, subjects can tend to be boring but there is always an interesting side to it and this can be taken for granted. What cannot be taken for granted is the fact that your child may not be able to look for it, leave alone finding it. This then becomes a matter of great concern as without interest; it will be very difficult to make him focus.
- All Work No Play:
Persistent studying is another alarming danger and a reason why your child may not want to sit to study or may not learn whatever he is studying (which becomes the worst outcome). Studying continuously for hours tends to have many negative effects like back ache, head ache, eye strain, eye sight problems and also wrong process of development.
- Concern At Home:
Parental care may not strike as a significant factor at first sight but as it turns out, this is a greatly important factor contributing to your child’s studies and development. While understanding and friendly nature promotes a healthy environment for studying, any other behaviour, including scolding on a regular basis and appearing cold and rude due to faring poorly in exams promotes a highly tense atmosphere for the development of studies.
- Disturbing Environment:
Disturbances created due to environment are another troubling feature when it comes to studying. Disturbances are created by many sources. It can be loud volume from the television or audio system. It can be your phone at home ringing on a frequent basis. It can be your family members talking loudly and voluminously among themselves or it can also be your neighbours doing these things. These factors hamper concentration and thereby negatively affect studying.
- Study Table:
Area of studying, be it a study room or a study table, has to be of such kind so as to offer favourable and friendly conditions for concentrating on studies. A clean and colourful work space is always welcome at any age and any profession and so is also a welcome sight for a child. An unfavourable place of study will not create the spark of interest in your child which is an essential requirement for him to sit down, open his books and start studying.
- Organisation:
Disorganised method of studying promotes interest in studies to decline. A child always tends to be disorganised and this ruins his mood to sit and study and complete his home tasks. Scolding when things are not arranged in an organised manner, only helps to worsen the situation as many parents and even teachers tend to follow this routine.
- Not Understanding What Is Taught:
Understanding whatever is taught is essential for a child to grow interested in learning. If things go high over his head then it is natural for him to fall asleep during classes in school and later refrain from doing home tasks at home. This all leads to a very bad outcome when at the end of their term they are left clueless about what they have actually learnt.
- Confidence:
Confidence in whatever a child knows is essential for him to get interested in doing home tasks because only if the child is confident then he will apply his knowledge in solving problems without having the fear of failing, going wrong and getting reprimanded.
These are only a handful of important reasons for which a child does not want to do his homework. There are other aspects such as psychological aspects which shape the way a child thinks about studying and these aspects are best understood by the parents and teachers who handle children on a daily basis.
What You Can Do To Make Your Child Interested In Homework:
Every child has a different thought process and these processes are very delicate. One wrong step and your child could end up on the wrong path. These are just few generalised guidelines which can be safely followed in order to ensure that your child is up to date with his studies and homework.
- First step would be to eliminate distractions. TV, audio systems, computers, games and PlayStations should be kept out of your child’s reach when he is studying.
- Make the study room and study table look clean and tip top. Children always tend to be careless and therefore you should care more and make sure that your child’s place of study is neat, clean and tidy. Trying to decorate with stickers of cartoon character may not be a very bad idea.
- Try to make studies interesting. Take innovative steps so as to spark interest in studies. Try to make up stories about how to add two numbers and that sort. Nothing attracts a child more than stories.
- Make sure that you fix the time to study to a very reasonable period. An hour everyday on school days should be enough to ensure that your child gets enough time to stay up to date with his studies and also gets optimum amount of rest and recreation.
- Regularity is a major player in shaping your child’s academics and getting homework done. The philosophy of “do today’s homework today itself” must be strictly maintained. Any negligence on this part would leave your child way behind and cost him heavily.
- Homework is not the last step of studying. After completion of homework, you should encourage your child to study a little on his own so as to have a clue about what would be taught in class the following day.
- Make sure your child understands whatever he studies and learns. Trust me, you do not want your child to become a machine which mugs up everything that is taught and writes those down in examination without understanding most or any of it. If possible keep a dictionary. Help from the World Wide Web is always welcome. An additional benefit of using the internet is that it makes studying very interesting and appealing.
- Help your child to complete in homework if you see that the questions asked to be answered are different from what your child has been dealing with up to this point of time. This would ensure that your child understands the concepts lying behind the questions properly and would also eliminate any possibility of frustration creeping into his mind which would negatively affect his progress with studies.
- Be friendly with your child. Do not reprimand beyond limit if he fares poorly in a test. Even after reprimanding, say some soothing words and inspire your child to do better in the next one. This would surely work. To avoid reacting in a hyper mood and getting shocked by poor results, keep track of your child’s tests by asking him personally. This way, it would also make him feel comfortable to talk with you.
- Lastly, appreciate every effort your child makes in improving himself. Appreciation is the key to urge a child to do better and this never fails when done wisely.