5 Ways to Shoot Up the Ladder after Your Management Course

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Business management course teaches skills and prepares an individual to join any organisation and made significant contribution effectively and quickly.

Some of the job options that directly relates to anyone who has completed a management course on any one of the following- BBA, BMA, BBE, Hotel Management, Retail Management, Travel and Tourism Management, Fashion Merchandising and Marketing, BIBF (Bachelor Of International Business And Finance) includes-

  1. Business adviser-

Being employed as a business advisor or self-employed, anyone will be responsible for providing information, coaching, support, guidance and advice to business persons. This could also help to individuals who want to kick start his own business and or by supporting an established business to scale up, grow, diversify or change their existing business model. Some of the key areas include-

  • Furnishing information on funding, finance and grants.
  • Providing coaching and mentoring to evolve through changes in a business.
  • Assisting in the planning process of a business.
  • Providing advice on the improvement techniques of the businesses.
  • Presenting businesses to associates and networks.
  • Providing support of a specialist to some particular sectors of businesses.
  • Suggesting support of specialist on agreements regarding international trade.
  • Actuarial analyst-

People who have good knowledge of mathematical ability or solving the problem and enjoys data analysing can prospect being an actuarial analyst.

Some of the responsibilities include-

  • Using and understanding mathematical formulas in the areas the handles modelling and advanced statistics.
  • With the aid of specialist software and spreadsheets completing analysis of data.
  • Analysing and constructing statistical reports and also aiding actuary’s team with technical support.
  • Business analyst-

If analysing and evaluating data, finding solutions, working and interacting with different kind of people are your area of interests, then being a business analyst you will like most. Some of the responsibilities include-

  • Communicating with departments and internal colleagues and whole organisation as well to identify the needs.
  • To work with the external stakeholders to investigate and understand the feedback provided against the product, function and service.
  • Using the practices of data modelling for analysing conclusions and creating suggestions for operational and strategic changes and improvements.
  • Considering the potential risks and opportunities associated with the suggestions taken for the business.
  • Supporting teams and staffs in making recommended changes and resolving changes if needed.
  1. Corporate investment banker-

Being a corporate investment banker, anyone will have to provide an array of financial assistance to institutions, companies and governments. There are three types of corporate investment bankers- corporate finance, equity capital markets and debt capital markets. Anyone will have to manage strategic, financial and corporate opportunities which include-

  • Initial public offering (IPO).
  • Privatisations
  • Lending
  • Shares and bonds
  • Acquisitions
  • mergers
  1. Chartered management accountant-

Anyone willing to take a career as chartered management accountant will have to good with numbers and have to explain information related to finance. Some of the responsibilities include-

  • Preparing financial statements periodically, accounts of loss and profit, cash flows, budgets, variance commentaries and analysis.
  • Assisting support service to the management team and all the departments in taking financial decisions.
  • Negotiating on grants, loans and major projects.
  • Constructing business strategies and informing primary strategic decisions.
  • Evaluating and monitoring systems of financial information and coming up with ideas of improvements if needed anywhere.
  1. Business development manager-

People having excellent communication skills can excel in being a business development manager. Its key roles include growing and improving business, developing and fostering relationships with partners, suppliers and customers. Anyone will have to works towards improving organisations reputation or position, profitability and effective strategic planning. Someof the popular sectors where business development is applied extensively like-

  • Manufacturing.
  • IT
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Telecommunications

Some of the responsibilities one have to handle includes-

  • Identifying the new scope of business
  • Strategic thinking
  • Strategic working
  • Finalising client contracts
  • Good understanding of the business services or products and can guide the same to others.
  • Understanding the customers need and plan accordingly to meet them.
  • Stockbroker-

Anyone expert in handling challenging and fast-paced financial environment with excellent analytical skills, negotiation and communication can take stockbroker as a career option. Stockbroking is of two types- retail and institutional, it depends on clients.

Being a stockbroker some of the responsibilities one has to handle in day-to-day work life include-

  • Staying updated with the current tax and financial legislation.
  • Keeping information on latest financial information, market movements and course of change.
  • Updating clients on new opportunities for investments and giving updates on their portfolio on a regular basis.
  • Being honest about risky investments and while providing information periodically.
  • Risk manager-

Individuals having abilities and skills in making crucial business decisions, one can get the opportunity to working as a Risk Manager. It is one of the emerging industries with high opportunities for young graduates.

  1. Project manager-

Project managers typically work under tight working pressure, tracking work progress, setting deadlines, distributing tasks to the respective team and have the responsibility to finish the entire project line within the promised deadline and identifying risks. The various sectors include- marketing, engineering, construction and IT.

  1. Management consultant-

Management consultant’s work towards creating values, solving issues, improving the overall performance of the business and maximising growth and helping any organisation to develop a particular skill in which it is lacking.

The various works include-

Supply chain management

  • Marketing
  • Information technology
  • Human resources
  • Management and financial controls
  • E-business
  • Business strategy
  1. Insurance underwriter- insurance underwriter is responsible for deciding whether an application is eligible for insurance cover or not and what are the terms and conditions associated with it. Assessing risk for insurance a company or a person is important.

Jobs which opens a great opportunity for students completing a degree on management course includes –

Systems analyst, Sales executive, Retail manager, Mortgage adviser, Marketing executive, Human resources officer, Construction manager, Urban designer etc.

5 Ways to Shoot Up the Ladder after Your Management Course

Choosing a career path has always been the most challenging phase of one’s life. It is equally challenging as choosing your educational pathway because your entire future will depend directly or indirectly on this.

Choosing a carrier path does not just affect one’s life instead its one’s family too. A person’s entire world will depend on this single decision as it will carve one’s future path for a happy life.

So, among the many existing carrier options, there is this appealing stream of management degree which is full of opportunities. Carrier in management is full of potentialities where your every struggle is answered with an unparalleled opportunistic result.

People who have chosen management over the other fancy degrees know their choice was best and is unbeatable when it comes to job opportunities, future safety, and salary increment and in regards to the promotional concept it is definitely the best.

So before getting into the details of the future prospectus of management degree let us first know what the definition of business management and terms related is.

What is business management?

Management is basically the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined organizational objectives. Sometimes management is considered alongside factor of production with machines, materials and capital.

After knowing briefly about the definition of business management, let us now get into the details of the job options that are available for you all to opt. Here we will discuss few of the many available jobs existing in the field of management course

The major job options for a person with an MBA degree

Let us now discuss the major job options that can be taken up with an MBA degree which come with sparkling salary package.

  1. Sales representative:

This job demands the employee to have contacts with the new cum the existing customers. The sales representative has the work of explain the product’s features to the customer directly or it deals with the business organizations indirectly with regards to the sale of the product.

Apart from these the sales representative needs to answer the fancy questions pertaining to the products he/she is obliged to sale to an individual or an organization as a whole. The projected job growth of this sector from the year 2016 to 2026 is expected to be about 6%.

  • Sales manager:

As the name suggests a sales manager has the function of managing the sales team. The sales manager does not directly get involved in the sales of products instead it directs its team regarding the tactics, the strategies involved in the sales of products to various companies that are willing to buy the products.

The sales manager is also required to help its team with setting goals, analysing data and is supposed to organize training programs for its sales team for efficient working. The projected job growth of this sector from the year 2016 to 2026 is expected to be about 7%.

  • Marketing manager:

A marketing manager is obliged to work that requires estimating the potential of the products, finding out major markets for sale of the products and guides its team to plan strategies for maximizing profit. The job position is quite sophisticated when compared with the above two posts and likewise the salary is also quite marked from the above two posts. The projected job growth of this sector from the year 2016 to 2026 is expected to be about 9%

  • Management analyst:

The main role of a management analyst is to improve the efficiency of the ongoing business. The most important of all the functions is that the management analyst is supposed to advice the manager in charge ion how to make the organization more profitable by reducing the costs and by increasing the revenues.

As the name indicates the job is all about analysing and advising the manager heading a team of subordinates to go in a direction that can maximize profit with reduced cost. The projected job growth of this sector from the year 2016 to 2026 is expected to be about 12%

  • General and operational manager

The main role of a general and operational manager is that they review the performance data of a company with the main motive to measure the productivity of the company and the company’s achievements towards its goals. They also help in identifying the areas of weakness that may reduction of cost and improvement of strategies. The projected job growth of this sector from the year 2016 to 2026 is expected to be about 8%

  • Financial analyst:

The financial analyst has the main function of guiding the individuals and business organizations in relations to making investment decisions. They are also concerned with assessing the stocks, bonds and other types of investment plans. The projected job growth of this sector from the year 2016 to 2026 is expected to be about 11%

  • Financial manager:

They are mostly concerned with the financial health of an organization. They have the role of directing investment plans, help in production of financial reports, and take a active part in planning the long term financial goals of a company. They are at a superior most post compared to the all above posts and likewise the salary also varies greatly. The projected job growth of this sector from the year 2016 to 2026 is expected to be about 19%.

If you are seeking a job and a secure future then you may come across many jobs right at your door step but if you are really after a secured future and you wish to get an appealing salary then getting into the management stream is the best choice for you.

Everything is super enticing starting from the job outlook, the salary increment, the concept of promotion, etc. But the most eye catching part is that the bachelor degree for pursuing this course will take less than 18months! So there are many jobs pertaining to this career path with an assured bright and a secured future.

Author Bio:

Nancie L Beckett is a content writer and a famous blogger with an MBA degree having 6 years of experience in this field. She is known to be passionate about writing. Nancie L Beckett has considerable amount of experience in writing, especially academic writing, its marketing and editing for various business and non-profit organizations and holds an MBA degree from the famous BYU Marriot School of Business in USA.  

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