Compare and Contrast Essay Topics: Some of the Hottest Topics on Which You Can Write Your Essays

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The different schools and colleges have been giving students assignments on lots of different essay topics, where they need to compare two burning topics. Some of these topics have been discussed in this article and will help you to choose the desired one for your essay. To begin with you can write about studying itself, and whether it is beneficial to study at your home or in a library. These compare and contrast essay topics, helps in development of the thinking psyche of a student. If you feel it is difficult to focus in the environment of your home, then the library is of course the ideal place for you.


The entire environment in the library is centered on academics. This helps in keeping your brain focused completely in studies. You can also meet other students and study in groups. This usually speeds up the learning process. If you are researching on a topic, then the books are readily available too. When you are studying at home, you can engage in multitasking and complete other responsibilities too. You will be able to play music and set rules for yourself while studying. You can also take breaks whenever you wish to.

Travelling abroad or in your own country

When you are fresh out of college, lots of people will provide you with encouragement to travel abroad. The lessons learnt during these travels will serve as a guide throughout your life. Travelling will always pose new challenges for you and make you come out of the comfort zone. You will find yourself in unfamiliar situations that will challenge you constantly as you travel. Travelling to foreign lands, will help you grow more confident. Even simple tasks such as buying grocery will pose a challenge for you, if you do not speak the native tongue.

You should be writing about travelling abroad if you choose it in compare and contrast essay topics. This is because when you travel in a foreign land, you will also learn about the culture of that place. You will learn all about the rich cultural history of that place. The kind of globalization that is taking place in the present times, you are bound to travel to foreign lands or at least interact with foreign nationals. Hence travelling abroad becomes mandatory. You will also become fluent in a foreign language once you have to travel to a place.

Comparing impact of a career in teaching and one in medicine

Education in any form is really essential for growth and over all development of an individual. Comparing the career of a teacher and a professional in medicine is tough. Both the individuals serve for the welfare of public. The medicine professionals directly influence the lives of people. The job of teachers is much deep rooted in nature. These individuals plant the seeds for nurturing young minds and provide them the quest for achieving excellence in their respective fields. If good teachers are not present in a place, then the level of knowledge among individuals in the place decreases rapidly.

Hence it has become quite clear that when you are putting your points regarding compare and contrast essay topics, you have to definitely write more in favor of educationists. The employment levels for the teachers are also quite high. Even places like the World Bank are also investing in the education center all over the world. You can pick up any skill and endorse it as a teacher in a very short period of time. The people in the education sector therefore have a greater impact on the society rather than medical professionals.

Can freelance work substitute for in-office experience?

You can look forward to getting freelance work right after you have completed your college. For getting job in offices, you might have to add some more degrees to your education. When you are starting your career as a freelancer, you get to choose the filed that you wish to specialize in. for some people it becomes a full time job and for some it becomes a means to earn some extra bucks. There are wide ranges of jobs available for the freelancers around the world. You can work as consultants, web developers etc.

Lots of people in the creative field, look forward to do freelance work. When you plan to write about compare and contrast essay topics, you can definitely weigh in points in favor of freelancing as the scope is quite wide compared to full time office works. If you are into website development, you need to make sure that your own website is top notch in nature. When you are freelancing, you will definitely need to build an image for yourself, so that you get the required work. This in turn helps in building reputation and can even make you land a job effortlessly.

Comparing computers and smartphones

The computers were considered to be a major advancement in the field of technology, now with the advent of smartphones, the popularity of computers has been put to test. There are lots of parameters based on which you can compare both and hence have favorable compare and contrast essay topics. Comparing power consumption of two, you will realize that the CPU consumes a lot more electricity in comparison to smartphones, which work on batteries. Prices of computers can vary widely, in accordance to their capabilities. Prices of smartphones are always within a range, even at premium levels.

Even the sizes of screens can make for great compare and contrast essay topics. The desktop based CPUs can be connected to lots of different monitors. The display resolution of smartphones is considered okay when size of it is compared. When it comes to portability, of course smartphones win this contest hands down. Storage capacities of computers are however far greater than that of smartphones. Operating systems designed for both smartphones as well as computers function similarly. Speaking of portability and light weight devices, smartphones have a distinct edge over computers.


You can always compare and contrast essay topics and bring out points about them in a new light. You will require doing little research on your own of course in order to achieve this. Internet provides with all required information in order to write these essays.

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