Did You Know About These Cool Accounting Software Trending In 2019?

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To manage and store different accounts, to keep a track on accounting and arithmetic operation, accounting software’s has been set up and build, which is basically a program. Accounting is the primary basic thing in every office. Financial management is the most complex matter.

Days have evolved from keeping piles of ledgers sheets, clunky spread sheets and hard copies. In this modern world, people look for easier and time-saving methods.

Accounting software makes things simple especially tedious works like payment generation and invoice generation by directly linking to a particulars bank or business accounts. Depending on the working goals software can be chosen.

Accounting software can be used for various purposes like the creation of an invoice, tax preparation, tracking of business expenses, inventory management and financial reporting.

Some of the best applications of accounting software includes basic accounting operations and some of the bookkeeping functions like a record of expenses, tracking of bank transactions, the formation of invoice and generation of the financial report at minimum expenses.

Some of the extended features which can help many businesses like managing eCommerce activities, native CRM, managing operations like purchase, finance, sales, manufacturing, inventory management, printing cheque, accounts payable and receivable.

Some of the accounting software available in the market which will definitely boost growing business are listed below-

Zoho Books

Available in platforms like Android, IOS and web. This software is simple and user-friendly; in which anyone can manage business accounts online. This software comes up with 2 weeks of free trial post downloading. For small businesses, this software is the most accurate one to look after all the finances and to manage cash flow.

Tally.ERP 9

One of the leading software for business management. Over more than 11 lakhs businessman’s choice, Tally.ERP 9 is the one-stop solutions for payroll, inventory, accounting and GST. This application is very popular in this industry and is available for downloading the free version.

MARG ERP 9+ Accounting Software

Ideal for small businesses, it can handle accounts of multiple customers by enabling holding of current invoice. It’s a full package of solutions to various business-related works including balance sheets.

HDPOS Smart Accounts and Billing

It has some great interface and suits best for businesses. The accounting system, inventory management and billing are based on windows. Easy to install and use at single system or at multiple terminals.

Vyapar – Accounting & Invoicing

Persons who don’t want to waste time on learning but willing to take control of the entire business digitally then this app can prove to be as the best one. This software provides the best online platform for invoicing GST complaint and inventory management. People with zero knowledge of accounting can kick start with this software and can become a pro.

MProfit for Accounting

This software is best known for accounting management and portfolio management for traders, investors, advisors, family offices, CAs and corporates to manage various assets, MFs and stocks.


With this software you can keep a track of entire ProfitBooks and cash flow, even starting from income to expenditure. This allows creating limitless invoices, sales orders, products, easy acceptance of online payments. Anyone will be eligible for handling unlimited suppliers and customers, add extended staff members. Trusted by businesses of more than 35,000 in UAE, USA and twenty-one other countries.

Book Keeper – Accounting & Invoicing

This software has been awarded by the software Suggests customer’s choice and Budget Friendly app. Best and the simplest app for accounting available on platforms like iOS, Android and windows. Using this anyone can create GST invoices and also allows to access personal data over device by just simply enabling the sync feature.

Busy Accounting Software

This is integrated accounting software for businesses like medium, small and micro. More than licenses of 3,00,000 sold worldwide. It offers financial counting handling multiple currencies, managing inventory covering multiple location, sales, processing purchase order, production, GST invoicing, TCS, TDS, service tax, Excise, VAT and many more.

LOGIC Account

This software is completely for Wholesale and retail. With 4.3 rating this software is very much suitable for inventory, accounts functionalities and billing. Two editions are available namely Whole Sale and Retail.  This app is the most standard one with necessity functionalities and features loaded. LOGIC Account has been used by the SMEs, Enterprises, Agencies and StartUps. This app is available in platforms like Android and Windows.


This software has been bestowed with Rising Star and Great User Experience awards by Softare Suggest. This is the most hassle-free software for invoicing. More than 20k+ users are there. Some of the features include automatic email reminders for overdue, tax management, reports on insights, easy management of expenses, easy printing of cheque, effortless tracking of project time, quick printing of invoice and online payments. Industries like chemical industry, engineering industry, plastic rubber and pharmaceutical industries use this software extensively.

Free Agent

Available on the platforms like Android, iOS, Web. This best accounting software designed particularly for a freelancer, small businesses and sole proprietors. It comes up with basic features like financial and accounting management which includes tracking project time, tracking expenses and invoicing. This app beautifully integrates with Zapier, which lets the user use this app with other tools available in the bucket list of tech stack.

Accounting Suite

This software is only available for web users and solely for logistics, shipping and inventory. Its interface may look outdated but it’s really very useful for managing inventory of large amounts, process and sort shipments of thousands of materials and products on a regular basis.

Accounting software enhances the accuracy of various records eliminating chances of human mistakes in calculation. Any inaccuracy can affect end balance. Accounting software helps in efficient management of financial transactions.

2019 And the Brand New Accounting Software to Rule the Market

The year 2019 will be seeing a varied range of accounting software in use. Like each year with newer innovation we get a number of new technologies and a lot of options to explore from. However each year is not challenging and each year does not actually bring in expectations.

However 2019 is one such year where a lot of cool technology adaption has culminated in the formation of something which is called the newer accounting software which will probably be more used than the older accounting software. It is extremely a matter of joy to ride in a journey of something which is extremely innovative.

Few of the many accounting software that will be a huge hit in the year 2019 are:

  1. Xero is the software which provides the best tempting cheap plans. The best part of this is, it can be used as a mobile app. Though it can be used by only limited user and can generate only a dozen or two bills at one go, yet it can be actually used by particularly start-ups where the number of employees is less.

The basic plan of this app can be upgraded to the premium plan where all these restrictions can be taken care off. This is surely the best and the cheapest app in the market these days.

  • The next is Sage Business Cloud Accounting. This is veteran software and has been used and referred by many companies and corporate. Yet, this year 2019 it is topping the chart because of the introduction of newer subscription plans. 

The software has the best value for money proposition. It also gives a 30 day free trial and in this duration if any problem is faced it is immediately solved by the customer care. VAT and invoice handling can actually be taken care of by using this app at one tap. The user interface is also so easy and can be used by anyone.

  • Intuit QuickBooks is yet another common name in the field of accounting software. It has user manuals and guidelines along with it. It is a bit costly but then to use something so hassle free and almost customised you need to pay a bit more. This software has yet not achieved working in the cloud formatting.

But the usages in the Windows and the Mac are huge and can be switched also from one to the other. This software is used for meeting any kind of business need and can be used for a lot of other business. A version of it is also available online and you even might get instant discounts while purchasing.

  • The next one worth mentioning is the Zoho Books. It is actually ideal for smaller sized businesses that do not have a huge amount of inventory also. Zoho offers various applications and Books is the accounting software that handles the whole thing. This software is very easy to understand and interpret.

One does not need to have a degree in accounting to start working on this software. This app also provides an option for the manual entry of invoices and journal entries. It also allows you to use collaborative tools in order to make efficient running of the business.

  • In this era of more freelancers than officers, FreshBooks is the best accounting software that can be used. When there is no consistency of an income or it does not follow a pattern, the best is to use FreshBooks.

It is used and trusted by many and also is very cheap. You cannot take the trouble of accounting on yourself and hence this software makes it easier and light. It is also called the app for keeping bookkeeping light. The upfront subscription is also very cheap and can easily be used for a month.

  • Kashoo is accounting software and can be used by the small business users and even large. But the efficiency is high for small business. It supports multi-currency and can be used by a naïve person because of its neatly designed dashboard. You can stop comparing other software and searching for hidden cost.

This software is everything that can be asked for. The unlimited invoices are of extreme use and 5000 financial institutions can be resorted before any giant leap. This software will be ruling the 2019 market and will be expanding henceforth.

  • The ultimate and free accounting software is the Wave. It charges nothing for the basic and almost majority of the work. The personal and the business plans can be made in a single platform and does not need to be skipped from one to the other for specific uses. However if you need something apart from the basic, something in depth then you need to pay for the work and hence can be used by almost all.
  • The last but not the least is the software 17Hats. It is ideal for small start-ups and business because they are supposed to don the hat of all needs. It is a fully featured productivity suite for bookkeeping purposes and can be actually used by all.

Thus in the whole discussion what can be seen is that apart from the normal software application that is commonly used, these software are more cool and handy. They can be used anywhere and can be actually relied upon. In years to come all these application will be more prevalent and can be used by the smaller as well as the larger companies. You can actually work in to fit the need of your business and keep going. The going gets tough only when you stop the urge to learn more.

The quest for knowledge should not die down and the easiness to adapt to newer technologies should always be on the top. Only then this software can be adapted and used on a regular basis, not only in 209 but also in the years to come. So buck up for a treat of software in the year 2019.

Author Bio: 

Nancie L Beckett has an MBA Degree University of Michigan with 6 years of experience. He is one of the most experienced and talented online tutors. He has a vast knowledge of different sectors and assists students with their assignments on any subject. He tries his best in achieving academic goals. Join now and make your learning experience better.

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