Expected Value Homework Help

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Understanding the Complication of Mathematics and Expected Values

Defining expected values:

Expected value homework help is, admittedly, hard to find and even harder to understand the whole concept without getting thoroughly confused. There are very few people, and even few online sources that will manage to explain it in simple terms. Even then, it can be rather difficult to grasp the entire idea. This is simply because it deals with probability. And probability, as the word indicates, means that there are no fixed answers, just possible answers.

However, you do not have to fear mathematics for much longer; expected value assignment help can now be found easily if you search in the right places. You can never jump straight into probability and its numerous aspects. If you do not understand the basics, even attempting to make any progress will be in vain.

Expected value is known by many other names like mean value, average, first moment, expectation, mathematical expectation, mean or EV (when trying to complete sums quickly). An expected value is basically an average of all the possible outcomes.

History behind expected values:

Interesting information that you will not find with most of the expected value homework help that you search for is the history behind it all. This is actually quite an interesting part and it will help you to gain some appreciation for probability.

  • It evolved from a theory called a problem of points. This was a study that basically intended to end a game fairly between two players, before the game had technically ended. As you can imagine, dividing things in a game can get more than a little complicated.

  • Christiaans Huygens, a Dutch mathematician in 1657 wrote a book on probability that had rules to calculate expectation. He had extended what Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermet had come up with so far.

  • Chevelier de Mere was also a mathematician, an amateur one, who claimed this was not a problem that could be solved in the real world. Over time, he came to realize that he was thoroughly mistaken. This is one point that most expected value assignment help that you look up, tends to leave out.

There is a lot to be learned, as you will find out, as you browse through all the expected value homework help that you search for. It can be a really interesting subject topic if you invest enough time in understanding it. This also comes ofuse in later on, if you choose to pursue the mathematics or something related to it.

Why choose universityhomeworkhelp.com?

We can give you the most precise expected value assignment help that you are searching for. All you have to do is drop in your topic with us and we will complete all the homework for you. If you have any doubts or questions you can visit us at universityhomeworkhelp.com and clarify it all. We are there to help you at any time on any given day ( 24×7 ). So drop in now to know more!

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