Writing informational blogs in finance is not quite easy. Bloggers must have knowledge about the topic to convey this in own way. How to be a successful blogger? If you really want to know about this, then follow these 10 tips –
Blogging is a very new age thing. Most of the youngsters today are engaging in blogging. They are considering blogging as a serious career. You can earn a good amount from blogging. You just need to stay focused and be serious in your job.
In today’s world, finance blogging is a very good option. There are many people who look for various investment plans on the internet and want to learn how they can manage their finance. The older generation also tries to seek some assistance in how they can secure their life after retirement. So here are some useful facts that you should know to rock as a Finance Blogger.
- Choose a particular topic at first
The world of finance is vast. There are many topics on which you can write your blog. So in the very beginning, you need to choose a particular topic on which you think you have enough knowledge to write the whole blog.
The various finance related topics from which you can choose are financial budgeting, early retirement plans, investment plans, insurance plans, debt recovery, real estate, various money making options, post-retirement money management plans, etc.
- Choose the blog type you want to indulge in
There are basically two types of blogging. One type is the advice blogging and the other is the personal experience blogging.
The advice blogs are those that provide various financial information and advice in general. They do not focus on any personal experience of the writer.
The personal experience blogs are totally based on the experience of the writer. Here the writer surely gives various good financial advice but they are combined with his or her experience with that advice. These blogs are totally subjected to the writer’s personal opinions.
- Select a catchy domain name for your website
The domain name is nothing but the name of your website. This is the technical aspect of blogging. You need to have a website of your own where you can post your blogs. The name of the website plays a very vital role as it is what attracts the readers in the first place.
Remember that your domain name should be unique and short which can strike a chord with the readers. It should be relevant to the type of blog you are writing. Most of the unique and catchy names are already in use but you need to exercise your brain and come up with some creative name for yours.
- Give more importance to the quality of your blog than the quantity.
Posting 1 blog with very good matter is much more beneficial than writing 100 blogs which does not make much sense. Remember that the readers are looking for quality in your blog; they are not interested in the number of blogs you are posting.
1 good blog is enough to generate a good amount of traffic on your website. So research very nicely before you start writing and make sure that your information is up-to-date.
- Learn the skills of SEO.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. You need to find out keywords that will be very useful for your blog. After selecting the keywords, design your content accordingly. These small keywords are very powerful tools in gathering readers for your blog.
- Frame such titles for your blogs that are very appealing.
There are 1000 blogs already present on the topic on which you are writing. Why will people read yours? How can you captivate their attention? To attract the attention of the readers, you need to frame a very catchy title for your blog which will compel the readers to go through your blog.
- Show consistency in your work.
You need to maintain consistency in your writing. You cannot expect your readers to stay connected to your website if you do not post for months. Readers tend to lose interest. You need to think of new topics and research on them to come up with new blogs at a regular interval. Readers appreciate those bloggers who show up with new articles.
- Learn the tricks of promoting your blogs.
In today’s world of social media, promoting your blogs is not a big deal. There are various websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, Youtube, etc. where you can promote your blogs for free and gather a more potential audience. Just actively participate in various groups on these social media sites and regularly promote your website.
- Produce genuine contents for your website
Never ever try to copy any other writer’s blog and paste it on your website. This is a crime. Produce genuine contents for your blogs.
Keep updating yourself regularly with the various finance related topics that are hot cakes. You can gather a lot of information from television, newspaper, and internet. Research on them and then use your own creativity to give birth to fresh contents that the readers will find very useful.
- Stay connected to your readers
It is very important to value your readers and stay connected to them. Your readers may ask you several questions and may want you to clarify their various doubts. They may also seek some advice regarding various investment plans. You need to value their questions. You should reply to their comments as this will make them feel connected to your website.
Value each and every comment of your readers and answer them with equal enthusiasm as you showed while writing the blog.
- Decide your financial niche and go through the topic –
Many bloggers are specialist in some particular topics. So, if you are confident in any of the topic, then go with it. Among the various topics in finance you can easily opt for anyone as-
- Budgeting
- Early retirement
- Investing
- General Finance
- Making money
- Frugality
- Debt
- Real Estate
- Traditional retirement
What will be the most appropriate one that suits you? If you want to go with any new topic, then it is very essential to gain knowledge by understanding it accurately. So, the decision of taking a proper position is essential. If you are not interested in selecting niche, then you will be unable to achieve success.
- Go through a blog type –
It is very essential to select any one blog type out of two. There are two types of blog writing –
- Advice
- Personal Story
What is the difference between these two blogs? Advice blogs are those in which advice is given to make it knowledgeable. In Advice blogs there may be one or more than one bloggers. However, in this type no blogger is in focus.
Personal story is the type in which the author comes in focus. This is based on the advice of own opinion. Though this is also advisory on own experience. In case of financial blog, the author when start posting informative blogs.
Sometimes personal financial blogs are posted on the basis of personal experience. Though these are educational, but author bio may help in searching of various blogs.
Though these are the two types, but a lot of people also use a third type which is the mixed of these two.
- Frame a blog that you need –
A financial blog must have the different contents and explanations. So, before you are going to right a blog, it is very important to frame it. In these days a number of websites are available. So, to make your blogs popular you must frame it in an effective way. This will give you a proper structure that gives a complete sense of the finance topic.
You must work for it a month before posting your first blog. Try to give your complete effort to enhance your confidence.
- Use a professional content tone –
The most important thing that is essential for a person is the tone on which he explains the topics. Each topic of the content should be informative and must be detailed in step by step manner.
It is also essential for one to adopt his way rather than copying someone else. Moreover, the way of explanation differs from subject to subject. In case you use any word which is suitable according to finance, but meaning is not simple, then try to explain it for students. In a same way, when you go with the structure and fulfill the requirement of the topic from first word to the last word, then it would be considered as the perfect explanation. So, it is always important for a blogger to go with the subject tone.
- Using appropriate domain name for finance blogs –
Domain name provides the suitability to hunt blogs of their use. So, you must use a domain name accordingly. If you don’t have proper knowledge about how to use or create, then you just need to select a word. It should be unique. Most bloggers use .com version, however some other versions are also available.
Many bloggers share their posts on a professional’s post. If he is popular, then you will surely get popularity through that.
- Hosting option for acquiring complete support –
Hosting a website is very much important. If you really desire to post your financial blogs, then wordpress will be the best and an appropriate option. You may select Bluehost if you are new in this field. However, if you think that you have a good earning and you can purchase expensive one, then it is better to go with Siteground as a host provider.
- Go with blog theme –
For the best financial blogs you should go with blog theme. There must be the best one. So, between paid and free themes, most of the bloggers go for paid themes and install it. These are not much expensive and give full support to your financial blogs by providing the best feature of better SEO, faster and customize things. The best way to grab popularity is posting informational blogs at the right platform.
With the most appropriate themes one can customize suitably and optimize in a perfect way.
- Provide a large number of contents –
It is very essential for one to understand Finance contents are many. Your niche and subjects may have many topics and sub topics. So, when you write your first blog, try to post the second blog in small time interval like on the very next day. If you will not care about the pages, then the internet searchers will not care about you. This is because a number of experienced bloggers are available.
- Connect with social media and other bloggers –
There are many bloggers who care students in all ways. Social media is one of the best ways through which you can easily be a good financial blogger. Almost 99.9% students use social media and when you opt for this platform, you will surely communicate and advertise your blogs and websites.
Sometimes if you connect your posts with some popular bloggers, then you will surely share your knowledge with students.
- Reply every reader –
When you post blogs, you can have questions of readers at the bottom. It is always important for the bloggers to reply each time a reader asks anything. In this way you can easily watch reader and communicate with them to know what they desire. You can easily post your next blog accordingly.
These are some of the basic but important tips that can help you to reach the benchmark in blogging. Hope you find them useful and start preparing yourself accordingly. Remember to enjoy writing as only then you can produce quality content.
Author Bio:
The author of this blog, Nancie L Beckett is a very well-reputed blogger. She has an MBA degree and has been working with Columbia University, New York. She has produced some brilliant pieces of blogs which are loved by the readers. She is also an online tutor who is always ready to help any student who asks for her assistance.