Biology is the analysis of life. As all human beings are related to biology, all have some sense of affection towards life, and how it has evolved over the years. The study of biology has unfold the facts about everything imaginable related to life on earth. A broad description focuses on every details starting from the entire planet to even the microscopic structures such as viruses, bacteria and DNAs.
Now as it is proven that Biology is the science of life. The word has derived from Greek words Bios and logos, which means life and study respectively. The study involves structure, function, and evolution of every life of the planet. This science has broadly been distributed into multiple fields.
Scientists have classified the study of Biology into nine different fields and subfields. People can go through all nine of them and choose one of them as their degree of specialization in the subject. Those nine classifications are:
- Botany: The study about plants and agriculture
- Biochemistry: It is the study of material substances that creates livings things
- Cellular Biology: This study describes the basics of cellular units and its formation
- Evolutionary Biology: Study of origin of life and changes in diversity over the years, is what is has.
- Genes and Genetics: It is the study of Genes and heredity
- Molecular Biology: It is the study of molecular biology.
- Ecology: The study of organism connects with the surrounding.
- Zoology: It has the analysis of animals and their behavioural descriptions
- Physiology: It is the study of organism, its parts, and functions.
Biology as a career Option
The study of biology focuses on the science of the entire world, studying from Microorganisms, health and even medicines. A degree of biology is can be the foremost step toward dispensing drugs at a pharmacy, making rounds, and checking on the seasoned doctors, planning up to save wildlife and preserve forests and tress, working in sanctuaries and zoos and teaching such wonders to the students.
The work efforts of biologists can unfold a broad variety of professions; all that will some have something in common that is their works will some way or the other connect with the natural world, environment, and surroundings. As discussed earlier, one can peruse one of those nine branches as their profession, but all of them are related to each other to some extent. The work of Biology may even put individuals in contact with some unexpected, unfamiliar situations, people, and surroundings, which implies that the workers need to have a strong communication skills, critical thinking and the ability to analyse the fields of work and surrounding, thereafter driving into a research.
Biology takes the individual to a completely new world of nature, where they are made to form a strong connection with the surroundings like plants and animals. Biology career can make individuals work in laboratories where they are constantly in touch with viruses and bacteria, researching about them and monitoring their life in tiny test tubes and dishes or give lectures to a class full of students in schools and colleges. You can choose following sites to find a biology job: –
Work Experiences as Biology graduate
Achieving a job experience in the fields of specialization is crucial. In this competitive job market, relevant job experience portrays one’s commitment towards the career and builds up ones practical skills as well as gives the opportunity to make a firm connection with various professional contacts.
Some of the Biology degrees unfold a yearlong industrial placements or internships; one maybe entitled to receive a grant to support the placement. Apart from previous work placements and internships, part time jobs also serve the same purpose. One needs to look for offers with organisations like:
- Preservation facilities
- Science Museums
- Pharmacies
- Schools and colleges
- Veterinary practices
- natural history
Typical Job facilities available
With the master’s degree in the specialization of biology, scientists have mastered in specific areas of animal and series of different plants, species, and habitats. Each of the biologist’s jobs is unique, and every biologist should have the ability to conduct the following tasks:
- Review reports on environmental in projects channels of clients.
- Providing support of environment to engineers.
- Performing in ecosystem mapping
- Maintaining active performance in field teams
- Illustrate skills of identifying excellent plant, fish, wildlife, soils, and ecosystem.
- Apply experience by the means of technical practices, theories, and company strategies
- Prepare short notices to travel
- Work to constantly build mind set and skillset for professional development
- Perform as environmental consultant as and when required by project management group or clients
- Getting the thorough idea of applicable federal legislation for environmental assessments
A scientist of biology at the higher level opts for a role of managing projects, personnel, and assets. Due to the professional experiences, a biologist is able to manage facilities and strategies that the project possesses. Following are the task that is taken as a part of their daily role:
- Train teams to improve protocols and master the technical areas.
- Analyse the samples in regulatory complaint way as and when applicable
- Drive a conclusion on the diversification of projects and the protocols, while discovering technological
- Requires to be competent in maths, management strategies and physics
- Communicate results and concepts to scientists and non-scientists
- Act as space of contact between project administrators and parties
- preparation of data analysis
What is the work of a Biological Scientist?
A biologist engages in the study of life in all types is the key to one’s understanding of materials and elements around them. A biologist typically research and explain the living world around the humans. Darwin’s theory of evolution by the natural selection is the core of their work, be it work in researching diseases, mapping and tracking the spread of epidemics to researching for the pollution and polluting substances of human’s life. They also show the relationship between life and its environment, studies such as adaptability and change in ecology.
A biologist studies all of these elements and spend time working with data as well in order to approve or disapprove the theory of a particular scientific theorem.
How is a Degree in Biology beneficial?
Biological is a science that has the broadest, most relevant and most important subjects in the world these days. If put simply, biology is the science of life. It embraces everything from the study of molecule of life processes straight up to the study of animal and plant species.
Some people start making plans to become a biologist as soon as they start to learn about the natural world and surroundings around them. While the rest of the population who intend to take up Biology, spend time working in a very different field, and gradually realize that career in biology might be a good fit for them. It can be little tough and time consuming to discover what one’s passion is, but to become a biologist it is never too late. One can take as much time they need to decide on what subject they will pursue in Biology or will they opt for it at all. A career in Biology can be decided depending upon individuals, where their
Interests lie. Biology as a career can lead one to study the basics of living organisms like animals, plants, and human beings. Even bacteria help to develop knowledge of Biology and perception of living standards and processes for a number of various purposes that includes disease treatment and sustaining the natural environment.
Despite all facts, further study is not required for a number of biology careers, many biology graduates choose to do postgraduate within a subject specialization or some related field, in order to put further their sense of expertise and help in career progression.
Biology in healthcare
Healthcare is another vital sector that offers many such careers that one can opt for with with a biology degree. Working as Biologists in healthcare centres lets one see the developing campaigns to help in treating and curing deadly diseases such as AIDS, heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis, and many little-known illnesses and diseases. Despite the fact, many roles of this service are out of reach to students with a degree of undergraduate for instance, doctor, and practitioner roles in the service.
This sector has a huge hiring capability, and biologists are well acquired-after in the world of medicals. It includes treating, developing human health and healthcare biologists with the required qualifications and experience as well, and work as doctors, veterinarians, nurses, dentists and other healthcare professionals. Biologists are recruited by not only the hospitals and other medical facilities; they are also recruited by organizations like the Peace Corps in order to bring advancement in healthcare to develop the war-torn regions.
Environmental Conservational Career in Biology
Human is not the only living being of the earth. However, an environmental biologist’s aim is to sustain and conserve the full range of the world’s organisms that consist plants, animals, and even microorganisms, for upcoming generations. As an environmental biologist one will be very much interested to solve environmental problems and help to protect natural resources such as plant and animal wildlife. A career with a biology degree that falls under this sovereign involves marine and aquatic zoo biologist, biologist, ecologist, conservation biologist, and environmental manager. Biologists in these sectors play a role to carry out recovery programs for endangered species and to provide knowledge for the public. The industries that hires generally include charities and not-for-profitable organizations, public sectors, the government and ecological consultancies etc.
Biological careers in the fields of education
With a degree in the subject biology and a teaching qualification one can be equipped to work within the background of education. One will seek pleasure in working with young pupils, providing various kinds of knowledge and eventually encouraging them to learn something about the world’s nature and its elements. This can either be done in a classroom, a theatre where lectures can be given, a museum or even a laboratory.
The higher one goes in the educational background, the more qualifications one will need; for example, a university lecturer is often expected to have gained a master’s degree in the biology subject or sometimes even a PhD is required, while for a primary or secondary school teacher it will usually need an undergraduate degree in biology only and a training for teachers qualification.
If one plans to choose to undergo further studies and go on to work within the time of higher education, one may be capable of producing one’s own research, that will have one’s work published and eventually become a member of an advisory board within the field of specialization.
How to get a Job with a degree in Biology
When one is in the year of training of undergraduate biology, it is necessary to begin to think about what kind of job one would like to have and which field their interests lies in. There are many available resources found online, and each one of them present information about current job openings. One needs to find a teacher or professional mentor with proper work experience in the field who can help answer the doubted questions, who is able to perform as an association for the budding biologists as, and when one opts to apply for internships or jobs as well. There are many online opportunities as well where you can join as biology homework helper or an online biology tutor.
Looking for the job placements initially in the time of one’s biology training can be helpful for a long term. Job placements often tend to list out what kind of education background is needed. Thereafter they can let one know if they are on the right track of their training. If one is taking classes in a college or university, talking to the teachers and professors about the subject and asking relevant questions regarding the subject can also be of great help.
One should not hesitate to talk to them about one’s goal and aspiring achievements. One should always keep in mind that the teachers were also once biologists in training too, and so they are most likely to have great advice. If one volunteers to be in touch with them and work, they may also have the capability to write a letter of recommendation for the trainees.
Biology is a science that is not the only way to acquire knowledge about oneself, living beings, and their surroundings. Humans have the capability to gain understandings in many other ways, like through arts, the literature, religious experiences, and philosophical reflection. Scientific knowledge of this subject may enrich the aesthetics and moral ability to watch, but these subjects may extend beyond the science’s sovereign state, to obtain a better knowledge of this world.
Author Bio:
Mary Clooney is the author. She has a PhD degree in Chemistry, Biology, and Physics as well from the Princeton University. Currently, her position is of a Professor in one of the reputed institutions.