Understanding the term “thesis”
The name thesis itself is a scary word. When we say it, people tend to think that thesis is something very complicated, big and meant for genius people only. Writing an entire thesis can be a tough job, but if done in proper method then it can be fun too!! Yes, it can be fun.
Before talking about anything else lets first discuss what is thesis. In simple words, thesis is a theory or hypothesis that is required to be proved with enough facts and evidences gathered during a research. This hypothesis or theory developed initially can get changed over the course of research but at the end of all, the statement of the hypothesis must be backed by enough evidences. Understanding the term is very critical if you want to know how to write a good thesis.
Problems that you will encounter while writing your thesis:
- Where to place the research question in your thesis?
The research question is the main reason you are writing the thesis. Hence, placing it in the correct place is very important. It should be placed early enough in your essay, not in the first couple of paragraphs but early enough to draw attention to the reader. Remember not to make it longer than one or two sentences.
- Avoid using vague words or too much generalist, be specific as much as possible.
- Do not put your research question later in the paragraph, try to put it within the early sentences.
- Avoid using conjunctions to connect two large statements. For example, conjunctions like and, but, or, nor, for, so and more like that.
- Try using subordinating conjunction like through, although, because, since.
- Settle on one focus, do not scatter the idea.
- How to structure your Thesis?
Now that you know how to place your research question, let’s talk about the general structure of your thesis or dissertation. Knowing the structure is very important if you want to know how to write a good thesis.
- Title:
Use a catchy title that would simply summarize your entire work and help other people understand what is inside.
- Objectives and Research Questions:
Too do not have a lot of objective and state them in fewer words. As discussed before place the Research Questions carefully within the introductory paragraphs but make sure they are after the objectives.
- Methodology:
After you are done with the introductions, Objectives and Research Questions, then you would elaborate your methodology in detail. Methodology means the way you collected your data. It could be scientific experiments or through questionnaires. The process should be described in every detail with each step that you followed with the correct measurements.
- Results or Outcomes:
After describing your methods you would talk about the results that you got from your experiments. Make sure you are using the right statistical methods for this. The Figures of the results should be clear with proper legends and must be in a publishable or printable mode.
- The Discussion section:
The next is the discussion section, where you would logically and scientifically illustrate the reasons for your results. In simple words, what are the scientific reasons for your results or how you would explain it. Do not make the language too complicated here.
- The Conclusion:
Now after all of that, list the conclusion that you reached from all your works and why do you think those conclusions are logically important.
- List of Citations:
List all the references alphabetically that your used and make sure you have cited them properly. The style of Citation/Reference could be many. Follow the style that you are asked for. Never mix the styles and use more than one. Only one style should be followed.
- Appendices:
Place all the extra stuff in this section. Like Photographs and extra Figures that seems too big to place within the thesis.
- Role of your Supervisor:
The role of your supervisor is very critical while writing your thesis. Here are some tips that you should remember while dealing with your supervisor during thesis writing.
- Do not overburden your supervisor with a lot of writing. Give your drafts to him or her step by step in parts and just the way he or she likes.
- Plan on exactly how many drafts you guys will have for your thesis.
- Make sure you spend a little bit of time every week on the thesis with your supervisor to keep things in check. Doesn’t matter how much busy you guys are, this step is very is very important when it comes to finishing up the writing. As your supervisor would naturally be busier than you are and might lost track of all, if you don’t keep him or her updated.
- Ask for feedback even in the early stages. This would help them recognize your mistakes and make them right even if it is early. This step will save a lot of time later.
- Clear Presentation is the key:
Always remember that clear presentation is the ley for writing a good thesis. Your overall presentation should not be haphazard or all mixed up. The language must be simple, do not use too much ornamented language. Get this step very clear if you want to know how to write a good thesis.
- Create Deadlines for yourself:
If you want to finish in time, setting up deadlines for yourself is very important.
Where you will get help if you are confused with the writing:
The first place that should go for help is the writing center. Often graduate school of every university will have a writing center for help in writing your thesis. Sometimes they will conduct workshops.
Online Help:
There a are plenty of online help available. You do not need to go anywhere physically to get online help, but you can get it at the click of a button. These can even custom and structure your thesis if that is required.
You can hire somebody as well through reliable services available online, if you think you need help in writing. These helps are very important, if you want to know how to write a good thesis.
What can you expect from us?
One such great place to get online help for thesis writing is universityhomeworkhelp.com.
We have affordable rates for student. Chat and phone contacts are available 24×7 to you. We also have tutors with the right type of relevant experience to help you with your thesis.
Hence, not to worry if you are writing your thesis or planning to start. All these tips and steps are the right information on how to write a good thesis.