There are three basic categories of students in every class, the high achievers, average students and underachievers. Students of each category have their reasons for excelling or otherwise. If you’re an average student or an underachiever, there is no reason it would be impossible for you to change that status.
Your marks are not defining of your ability to achieve better grades. In order to break the boundaries you’ve set for yourself, there has to be a willingness and passion for success that has been missing all this while. Everyone wants to succeed and do well, but very few manage because of their lack of commitment to long-term goals.
Before entering the adult world of work, a good place to practice and build agood habit is in college. Below are a few simple steps that could help you ace any college class.
- Effective Behaviour in Class
- If you think that presentation and preparation do not aid to the grades achieved in class, then you’re mistaken.
- Creating and maintaining a good impression requires consistency.
- Show up to class on time and well prepared to learn.
- Do not miss critical lectures or seminars regardless of whether you’re awarded attendance for that day or not.
- Remember, attending class is not simply a necessity to ensure the attendance percentage is maintained. It is also required to learn more and gain a better understanding of each subject.
- Mental preparation is a key element. Building yourself up for a day of learning will keep one eager and attentive.
- Do not fall asleep in class, fidget, and talk incessantly or be a source of distraction.
- Making your stand in class will grab teacher’s The more you’re noticed for good behaviour and respectfulness, the better.
- Sit as near to the teacher as possible. This will be beneficial since hearing the teacher and watching what is happening on the blackboard will be easier.
- Carry all assignments and worksheets that are required for the class. Including pens, stationary, laptops, etc.
- Some teachers do not allow the use of electronic devices like laptops; if it is necessary; take the professor’s permission before trying to bend the rules.
- If the professor has duly informed you about the topic that will be taught, take some time out to do some research on it.
- Having an idea about what is being taught will make understanding it simpler for the student and will display a keen interest in the teacher as well.
- Feel free to ask questions in class, regardless of whether they may seem obvious.
- Chances are there, will be many other students with similar thoughts or doubts.
- Asking questions whether they are open ended, or even if you’re unable to express yourself clearly professors appreciate the effort and know that you’re paying attention with agenuine interest in their class.
- Along with this, keen participation is also good. Not only will you be displaying your acumen for what is being taught but it is a learning process too.
- Make Notes
- The only way to make complete use of time spent is by taking notes in class.
- While writing down every single word the teacher says is impossible, taking detailed notes is still necessary.
- Figure out a note-takingtechnique that works best for you.
- Most students prefer to use different types of bullets for each point and categorise similar points with the same bullets.
- Writing notes by hand is known to aid memory retention as opposed to taking down notes on a device.
- Ensure that all necessary material like pens, pencils, highlighters, etc., are carried with you.
- Try to keep the process plain and simple so that minimal time is wasted on aesthetics. Focus only on useful information.
- This will ensure that you do not miss out on key points, deadlines or critical information that could aid in getting higher grades.
- Professors also notice who takes an interest in their class by the amount of students taking down notes.
- They are less likely to punish students for careless mistakes if they notice consistency in their class.
- While in class, your focus should not be hampered by buzzing phones or other electronic devices.
- This way there is no chance of missing out on vital information or being distracted.
- Paying attention in class reduces the likelihood of getting bored.
- Plan and Organize
- There should be a definite plan for every waking hour of your day so that there is no opportunity to lose on time or energy.
- Planning every day is not easy so start small by simply focusing on college work and classes.
- Try not to miss any classes unless absolutely
- A major part of the process should be creating a schedule. Create a detailed schedule that focuses on priorities like assignments that are due.
- Details should include which portions to focus on for that day, how long each project will take and breaks as well.
- Organize assignments according to priorities like adeadline, difficult, importance.
- Assignments that are required earlier should be done Although, if something is particular difficult try and complete it first so that you do not feel drained out later.
- Do not focus only on classes or subjects that you enjoy. Factor in all requirements as and when necessary.
- As a student, academics are not the only areas where you’re required to excel.
- Remember to a lot of time for extracurricular activities like band, drama, quiz, or any other clubs that you’re a part of.
- The only way a planner will be useful is if there is consistency. Turn off all electronic devices when sitting down to do homework.
- Make sure that desks, notes, textbooks, etc., are maintained in an organized Everything should be easily available when required.
- Wasting hours looking for a single sheet of paper or your favourite pen is not only a waste of time but energy as well.
- Maintain Healthy Relationships with Professors
- Your relationship with teachers and professors is as important as the relationships with friends and family.
- This is one of the main Secret Tips to Help Improve your Academic Prospects.
- Schedule a meeting once a week to catch up on any doubts or difficulties being faced in class.
- Feel free to talk to professors about any problems that you may be facing whether they are academic or otherwise.
- Building a concrete relationship is extremely beneficial.
- This way, whenever there is a crisis, they will be willing to help answer last minute questions before exams or offer extra assistance whenever it is required.
- Communicate with professors about their expectations in class with regards to classwork and homework.
- It will make following instructions a lot easier, and you’ll be able to do so with precision to ensure that no marks are lost.
- Lay down your goals as well so that they know the amount of effort and hard work being put and notice the difference if grades rise or fall.
- Study for Tests and Take Mock Test
- This point is fairly obvious.
- A lot of your grades depend on test results.
- Ensure that studying for tests and examinations are done over, at least, a week in advance.
- Do as much research as possible, curate notes, create a study timetable, and do everything necessary before a test.
- Taking enough rest, food and water are also crucial for full brain and body functionality.
- Use study methods that you’re used to.
- Minimize distractions while studying — do not check phones or social media sites, avoid listening to music as well.
- Choose an area that is quiet, clean and cool. This will help with concentration and focus.
- Write as much as possible, things written in your own handwriting are easier to read and retain.
- Make notes while studying so that there is brief material to go over and revise an hour or two before the test.
These tips are fairly standard, but they are very effective for any goal that you have set in mind. Anything can be achieved with consistency and practice!