Tips To Solve Advanced Mechanical Assignment

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Struggling with the Advanced Mechanical assignment?

If yes, the following tips to solve the Advanced Mechanical Design assignment would be a great help. 

However, before proceeding to the solutions, let us know about the subject and university students’ issues.

Advanced Mechanical assignment is a segment of Mechanical Engineering where students design solutions to a real-world engineering problem by opting for the engineering design process. Here, students have to conduct initial research for the development of a set of project requirements and scope. The designing process usually begins with the concept design to detail design. Further, it includes critical analysis of solutions by utilizing a certain approach and life-cycle assessment. 

From the above-mentioned brief introduction to the subject, it is quite clear that Mechanical Engineering students need to have a sound knowledge about the subject without which they cannot solve the assignment. 

Here is a list of problems that students of Mechanical Engineering usually face while solving an Advanced Mechanical Design assignment.

  • Lack of knowledge

Mechanical Engineering is a vast subject that includes an ocean of sub-topics or units such as Advanced Mechanical Design. This part of Mechanical Engineering further includes numerous designs, let’s say gearbox design. 

Here, while making an entire gearbox assembly, students are required to know about it comprehensively. It means students must know the mechanism of gearbox design assembly, including load calculation, shaft design, fastener sizing, gear design, bearing selection and other fixtures, hosing or couplings. 

Since there are tons of parts included that are required to design a gearbox, students need to be very attentive while making a structure and design. Here, students must not forget to include fastener calculations. Do you know why?

A fastener calculation is essential for the size of the main structural bolts, which is needed for designing the gearbox. Further, students should keep in mind that the intended design should be able to rotate. Hence, students should include rotational components as well. 

It is just one example of a topic of Advanced Mechanical Design assignmentStudents, who have lack knowledge regarding the intricacies of this subject, struggle a lot while solving assignments as well.  

  • Lesser exposure to reality

While dealing with technical subjects like Advanced Mechanical Design, students must understand and get familiar and exposed to examples devised using the engineering principles and applicable in real life. 

This is particularly important to make students understand the relevance of the assignment topic with reality. As students get lesser exposure to reality, i.e. such real-life examples, they stumble while solving an assignment.   

  • Minimal industry interaction

Students need to get more industrial visits, which help them understand any machine’s mechanism and its design and working. If students get fewer or minimal industry visits, they fail to accurately solve Advanced Mechanical Design assignments because they rely only on bookish knowledge. 

  • Lack of time

Lack of time is another issue that most university students face while given any assignment. At universities, students are burdened with multiple assignments which may have same day submission dates. Also, there are numerous students who are involved in part-time jobs for which they cannot take out ample time. 

Apart from these, students solving Advanced Mechanical Design assignments need to do a lot of tasks such as making the design report, analysis report, adding data, footnotes, editing, proofreading etc. All these tasks take a lot of effort and time, which students sometimes lack. Hence, they face issues while the deadlines are near, and they have not started solving Advanced Mechanical Design assignments.   

The above-mentioned points comprehensively discuss the issues students usually face while solving Advanced Mechanical Design assignmentsNow let’s focus on the tips that can help students in solving the Advanced Mechanical Design tasks. 

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1. Understand the assignment task

The first and foremost task of writing an assignment is to understand the assignment topic. Once students identify the type of assignment and its requirements, they can easily find information and write accordingly. For that, they need to read the assignment topic multiple times and understand the assignment problem. 

This simple method will enable them to analyze the assignment task and topic and understand what they are asked to do. In addition, it will further help them to focus on their research.    

2. Do vast research 

While writing an assignment, especially on a topic like Advanced Mechanical Design, students must have comprehensive knowledge regarding the same. Most of the Mechanical Engineering assignment topics are technical and includes the design of various machines. 

Therefore, students must do the background research thoroughly so that no important points remain untouched. 

Also, while researching from books or the internet, students must take note of important points and accumulate them to help further them understand when and where they need to add those important points.        

3. Make a short introduction

The introduction of an assignment is the first segment that catches a teacher’s attention and certainly plays a crucial role in deciding a student’s grades. Therefore, once students finish their research on that particular topic, they need to focus on framing and introduction that should ideally be a short one.      

Therefore while writing an Advanced Mechanical Design assignment, students must give the basic details about the topic, i.e. design, so that the person checking it can well understand the topic. 

However, it is preferable to write the introduction after completing the entire assignment at the end of an Advanced Mechanical Design assignment; students will have a clear knowledge of their writing and can write a short, informative, and valuable introduction.   

4. Plan a structure

As stated earlier, Mechanical Engineering is a technical subject and depends largely on designs. Therefore, if students are given multiple designs to draw and are asked to provide a design report and analyze report, they need to categorize similar designs in one group or plan a structure with logical coherence.  

Once students are clear about the structure, solving and writing Advanced Mechanical Design assignments would be easy and less time-consuming. 

5. Add infographics

Adding infographics adds value to assignments, especially Advanced Mechanical Design, which primarily focuses on designs of various machines. 

Though students need to include pictures and analyze and explain various parts, they can further enhance their assignment writing by incorporating infographics instead of putting chunks of data in places required. Not only it will give their writing a creative impact but also make it interesting.   

6. Check the details 

It is essential to check details after finish an Advanced Mechanical Design assignmentWhile it may seem tedious to go through all the assignments after writing them, it is the only way to ensure an error-free assignment. 

Here, students must check the design they have incorporated, their parts, name and spelling. Apart from checking the technical details, they also need to check grammar and punctuation and ensure the assignment is written in academic English.

Further, students are required to put the page number and make sure they are in proper order and indexed with an accurate name. 

As they finish both editing and proofreading, they can easily submit Advanced Mechanical Design assignments without any worry         

Whereas the above-mentioned points will help students to solve Advanced Mechanical Design assignments efficiently, they might get further benefits if they follow the tips mentioned below.   

7. Take help from seniors

Students who are struggling to solve Advanced Mechanical Design assignments can take help from their seniors. As the seniors are acquainted with the writing method and structuring methods and have done those assignments during their academic year, they can guide them very well. 

Thus, taking help from senior’s will help students to both understand the assignment writing pattern and, after that, make it more insightful, informative and valuable.  

8. Read samples

Reading samples can help students significantly. In addition, as stated earlier, students can take help from seniors who will enable them to have an idea about assignment writing. 

When students have ready assignment samples in front of them, they can identify the essential yet minute details as well. Moreover, it means they can easily grasp the important pointers of writing assignments and frame them accordingly. 

Reading samples decrease the task of identifying assignment tonality and reduce the time required to frame the structure. 

Now that students know how to solve Advanced Mechanical Design assignments; framing and writing the same would not be an issue anymore. Therefore, follow the tips as mentioned above and solve Advanced Mechanical Design assignments like a pro.

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