by Nancie Beckett | Apr 25, 2017 | BLOG
It is a device which not only helps in communication but also has many apps which make the life the user easy. The device’s basic motto for making was communication. It allows both verbal and written communication. Now a day’s video conferencing is also possible on...
by Nancie Beckett | Apr 25, 2017 | BLOG
Well yes, that is absolutelyright that dealing with homework and assignments is not really an interesting thing to do. Especially when you hate it the most.Moreover, at that very moment, parents start bargaining with them on such issues which result to create an...
by Nancie Beckett | Apr 25, 2017 | BLOG
‘Homework’, the word itself gives sleepless nights to many learners. Students have negative views about it. They are always concerned about the ways they can get away with their assignments and homework. Assignments and homework have been a major part of academics...
by Nancie Beckett | Apr 25, 2017 | BLOG
Education is an integral part of our career. It makes us what we are and what we possess the best in us. It enhances our personality and polishes our intelligence. The educational institutes have different levels for imparting all sort of knowledge. Homework and...
by Nancie Beckett | Apr 24, 2017 | BLOG
Maths phobia is the fear of maths. It results in unconsciousness or breathing problem among the student whenever they encounter maths problem or complex maths problem. This causes loss of time in theexam hall and results in getting less time to solve the problem of...
by Nancie Beckett | Apr 22, 2017 | BLOG
The best way to make children learn is by giving them example of solving problems. Parents should, instead of doing the work of their child, make them work on similar assignments and show them step-by-step method of problem solving. This way the child improves and...